FEROX interviews Sarah Fletcher - Cranfield University (UK)

What is the role of Cranfield University in FEROX?

The Cranfield team works closely with technical partners to supply the Social Science and Humanities (SSH) knowledge they need across the different work packages, particularly to boost user-centredness, safety and trust. Cranfield are also responsible for assessment and oversight of ethical risks and compliance with standards.

How does your expertise contribute to the overarching goals of the FEROX project?

The success of any new technology depends on user and social acceptance – so our team’s expertise in psychology, human factors, anthropology, and ethics is an ideal combination for thoroughly exploring what people need, want and expect from FEROX. We are applying our diverse skills in a variety of participatory research and design techniques involving potential users and stakeholders to develop this new body of knowledge.

How is FEROX designed to be user-friendly and support non-technical people in forestry settings?

As the design of interfaces and functions are directly based on the thoughts and opinions of experienced end users, who are the subject matter experts in this context, FEROX navigation and support systems will be user-friendly.